Top 8 Tips On Time Management

Top Tips
Time management isn’t difficult if you use a few easily-learned techniques. There are also some useful tools you can use but they are not necessary for starting out to learn how to manage your time better.
Before you groan, it’s not difficult. Many people think goal setting is hard because they don’t know what they want, but that’s just the problem – they don’t know what they want so therefore, they can’t set goals to achieve it. A lot of people just want an easy life, with enough money coming in to avoid the debt collector at the door. If that’s what you want, fine, there’s nothing wrong with that if you can do it. It’s when you want something different from what you have already got that you need to set goals to get there.
If you have never set goals before and don’t know how to go about it, then take some time for yourself over the next few days and think about what you want. Maybe you want “an easy life”, or a new job or a foreign holiday every year, or to learn to paint or to write a novel or lose weight. Everybody has different goals in life but if you don’t know what YOUR goals are, then you won’t be able to achieve them. It’s like the Cheshire cat in “Alice in Wonderland” said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
So which road do you want to be on?
Once you have decided on your major goal, you need to set small goals on the way to achieving the main one. So if you want to write a novel, you might decide to write a chapter a week. If that’s 3,000 words, then you need to write 600 words a day if you work a 5 day week at it. So your daily goal might be 600 words and your weekly goal, 3,000 words. Now you know what you have to do each day and each week and can check off the steps along the way.
Of course, you may not be at the point of being able to write a chapter a week, you may need to develop your characters or your plot or be at the editing stage or looking for an agent or publisher. Whatever the overall goal, break it down into smaller goals that you can achieve in a day or a week and check them off as they get done. Each check mark is a new step completed on the road to success.