Top 6 Tips To Fall Asleep
Sleep Well

Sleep Well

Regularly getting a good nights sleep makes a huge difference to so many aspects of our lives. Our health, energy, productivity, mood, sex drive – all will be greatly improved by good quality sleep. Stress can cause sleeplessness and lack of sleep can cause stress. It can feel like a vicious cycle!
If you are struggling to get to sleep or feeling as though your sleep quality isn’t good then the following ways to get to sleep might help.

Ban TV

1. Ban screens for at least an hour before bed – two hours would be even better. The back light from screens has been proven to suppress our melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone which is essential for helping us fall asleep. So get rid of the TV in the bedroom and put your phone down an hour or two before bed. Read an actual paper book rather than your kindle.

Cut Down On Food And Liquid

2. Watch your food and liquid intake. Avoiding caffeine is a no brainer. And while a little alcohol might seem to make you sleepy it actually has a detrimental affect on sleep quality. A heavy meal will also make it harder to sleep soundly as your system struggles to digest rich, heavy food.

These help you sleep

3. Certain foods and drinks can aid sleep. According to the BBC good food website drinking milk can help, or eating yoghurt, bananas, oats, tuna, poultry, eggs and peanuts. These all contain good amounts of tryptophan which aids the production of melatonin. Herbal teas such as camomile, passionflower and valerian tea contain mild sedatives too.

Exercise Earlier in the Day

4. Exercise but do it at the right time! Yes regular workouts will aid sleep but there is evidence to show that working out close to bed time makes it harder to get to sleep. If you can fit your workout in earlier in the day then do so.

Routines, Habit and Rituals

5. Routine is important. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day can help you sleep. Performing the same bedtime routine each night can help too. You may een find it helpful to develop your own rites for sleeping – a set of habits you perform each night, to get you into the habit of going to sleep quickly and easily.

Dark is Good

6. Sleep in the dark. In this day and age of street lights and multiple electronic gadgets with lights on them it is unusual to be in a completely dark room. Light interrupts our sleep rhythms. Try to sleep in a fully darkened room. You can buy black out blinds or curtains if needed.

Deal With Stress

If you need help dealing with stress, look at this article. And if your sleep is disturbed by snoring, check out the best way to stop snoring

Try all of these tips and you will be on your way to a better nights sleep.