Choosing Good Resolutions


There’s no shortage of information online about choosing a good New Year’s Resolution. On one website we saw there were 75 ideas! Can you imagine making 75 resolutions? Can you imagine keeping them?? Neither can we!

That’s why on this page we’ll keep it simple. We’ll focus on the big resolutions that almost everyone can benefit from.

Of course, though resolutions are often made at New Year – you do not have to stick to that – nor feel you HAVE to make resolutions just because it’s New Year. You can resolve not to make any New Year’s Resolutions if you want!

What A Resolution Is

  1. A resolution is something YOU DECIDE to do.
  2. It has to be achievable.

Just two rules, so simple, yet many people make it very complicated.

You Decide

You cannot allow someone else to make a resolution for you, whether friend, parent, sibling or even an online article. If you yourself have not decided to make a resolution, someone else making it for you will not work, you will not be invested in it (not committed to achieving it). If you do not WANT to make a New Year Resolution, then do not be forced, or guilt tripped into making one. Some toxic relations or friends may feel they know what is best for you (they may actually feel they have your best interests at heart) but if you do not WANT to achieve this FOR YOURSELF, it will not work, you will find ways to “forget”, or “make it impossible” to achieve.

On the other hand if you find a resolution you really want to achieve, you will find a way of making it happen. Your passion for it will help you overcome any obstacles.


There is no point in making a resolution that is impossible to achieve, for instance, no human is going to sprout feathers to fly like a bird! Maybe that’s an absurd example but for some people, a resolution that may seem easy to others is one they do not feel up to working towards at the moment. If it is not currently achievable for some reason you know of, yet you still would LIKE to achieve it, then choose a resolution that would be easier to achieve and that will move you towards the bigger goal. For instance, if you want to lose a LOT of weight or run a marathon, when you seldom walk, then choose something easier, such as lose one stone or 7 kilograms by (choose your date) or walk 3 miles or 5 kilometres daily by (choose your date). Either of those will move you towards your ultimate goal, while still being achievable. Impossible goals make you lose heart, easy goals provide no challenge. Choose a goal somewhere between impossible and too easy, one that is challenging for YOU, yet still achievable and for which you feel real passion to achieve.


New Year Resolutions

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The start of a new year is a great time to make resolutions. It is also a good time to look at ways to improve your life and get more organized. According to a recent study, the most common New Year’s resolutions are to exercise more, eat healthier, and save money. But there are some other ways to stick to your goals. In the rest of this article, we are going to go over some of the common New Year Resolutions people make, and how to achieve them.

Losing Weight

A common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. However, 80% of people fail to achieve their goals within the first year of making a resolution. Regardless of the reason for failing, it’s important to make the time to get back on track.

The most effective way to make the change is to create a plan for your health. Choosing a sustainable eating pattern that is appropriate to your lifestyle is a great place to start. By focusing on your body, your mind, and your relationship with food, you will be able to keep your weight down. For some people, their relationship with food is one of comfort eating, that is, eating when they feel upset or unhappy. It is possible to find other ways of dealing with sadness or upset and this may be a way to help with losing weight. A New Year resolution in this area might involve keeping a food and emotions journal, to see what triggers comfort eating. Alternatively, it might involve working on relationships, improving some and maybe even cutting out others, if they are toxic. For yet others, it might involve cutting out junk food or drink: and resolutions in this area might be to drink water in place of soda (pop) or take healthy lunches to work in place of visiting the vending machines.

Getting Out, Exercise and Socializing to Overcome Stress

The holiday season can be a stressful time of year, but one of the easiest ways to de-stress is to get out and socialize. Getting out and about in the community is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Also, a little exercise goes a long way. If you can’t get out there, just spend a few minutes a day sitting in a straight position or stretching. Of course, for some people socializing is stressful and they may prefer to take long solitary walks.

As a side note, getting out and socializing can improve your overall health and wellness. Studies show that more mental activity is good for your brain. This is especially true if you are an introvert.

In fact, you could probably make a whole year’s worth of friends by just taking a walk around your neighborhood. You can also make friends on Bumble or MeetUp, which are two sites that help you find social groups in your area. If this is not for you, try puzzles to keep your brain active.

Getting Organized

Getting organized as a New Year’s resolution has become a common goal for many people. Unfortunately, many people fail to keep their resolutions. Fortunately, getting organized as a resolution doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking. In fact, it can be as easy as developing a few simple habits. Making a general resolution like “get organized”, is difficult to measure in terms of achievement, how do you know whether you have become more organized? Would it be because you now use a diary or appointments planner? Perhaps it would be because you have dejunked one drawer or one room in your home? Maybe it’s because you now attend every school function, instead of missing any?

Using the correct tools is the first step to success. For instance, an organizing binder can be a great way to keep paperwork together and in order. Additionally, consider using a journal or to-do list or an appointments planner or diary. This will help you organize the tasks you have to accomplish throughout the year.

A calendar can also help you organize. Use it to keep track of your progress, and then take periodic reviews of your efforts.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, start small. Try taking on a few small projects each month. Doing so will give you the confidence to tackle bigger tasks.


You may decide that your best way to become organized is to declutter your office, your home, your mind, your relationships! Here is a declutter record sheet for January. You can download and print this out, FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY (You may NOT sell it). Did you know that if you declutter between 5 and 6 items daily, every day for a year, you could get rid of 2023 items for the year 2023! There is actually a full, 15 page booklet available for print out, which I will make available shortly for free. There is more information available on decluttering here.

Controlling your emotions

If you are looking to improve your physical and mental health in the new year, it is a good idea to make some New Year’s resolutions. You may find that it will take time to feel comfortable and to control your emotions. However, the benefits of taking steps to achieve your goals are worth the wait.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or haven’t been making progress toward your resolutions, it’s a good idea to check in with yourself. Ask yourself, “What’s the biggest thing I need to work on?” and “What’s the simplest way to do this?”

The best way to determine what you need to work on is to set concrete goals. For example, you might want to learn how to control your temper. Another example is to stop worrying so much. Keep a record in a journal and look for triggers and ways to avoid them or to find a different way to react.


Volunteering as one of your New Year resolutions can help you reduce your stress levels, develop new skills and make you more employable. In addition, it can give you a sense of meaning and purpose. If you are not sure where to start, there are organizations that will match you with a cause in your community. Before you choose a cause, though, you need to decide how much time you can commit to volunteering. Several nonprofits offer volunteer training, which can be a helpful way to kick-start your resolution.

Another benefit of volunteering is that it can increase your social network. You will meet people with similar interests. This can help you make new connections, build your social circle, and reduce your loneliness. For people who are introverts, volunteering can be an ideal way to meet others and develop new relationships. It can also boost your self-esteem.

New Year’s Resolutions

If you want to make New Year’s Resolutions, remember, they need to be your own decision and the target you aim for should be achievable, as well as challenging.