9 Top Tips To Motivate You To Lose Weight

Often when we decide to lose weight we do really well for a week or two but then motivation fades and we give up. We may even put any weight we did lose back on and sometimes an extra few pounds too. 🙁 So keeping up our motivation in the long term is the key […]

A Better You 3d words on a green arrow and a man riding it upward

How To Stay Motivated After Starting Your Diet

A lot of people ask how to stay motivated during a diet. The first couple of weeks are easy: you make a few changes, you lose a lot of weight, and you generally feel good about yourself. Dieting is a grind though, and before long you hit a plateau and wonder if you’ve become a […]


How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight

It is common to hear success stories about people successfully losing weight within a matter of a few months, but it is also not surprising to stumble upon not so successful stories of individuals who failed at reaching their ideal weight. You may have even failed yourself in your first attempt to shed off those […]