8 Ways To Get Your Motivation Back

Avoiding procrastination If you are a procrastinator and find it hard to motivate yourself to start that project or get a piece of work done then these 8 top tips can help. 1. WHY? Look at what needs to be done and ask yourself why you are doing it? Think of all the positive reasons […]


Top 6 Tips To Fall Asleep

Sleep Well Regularly getting a good nights sleep makes a huge difference to so many aspects of our lives. Our health, energy, productivity, mood, sex drive – all will be greatly improved by good quality sleep. Stress can cause sleeplessness and lack of sleep can cause stress. It can feel like a vicious cycle! If […]

9 Top Tips To Motivate You To Lose Weight

Often when we decide to lose weight we do really well for a week or two but then motivation fades and we give up. We may even put any weight we did lose back on and sometimes an extra few pounds too. 🙁 So keeping up our motivation in the long term is the key […]

Motivational Stories: Red Riding Hood Returns

Motivational Stories There are many folk and fairy tales that can be rewritten to provide motivational and inspiring stories we can apply to our own lives. Here is the story of Red Riding Hood, told for the first time, to show how she got back home from Granny’s cottage, through the dark and dangerous wood. […]

Get Things Done

How To Get Motivated – 5 Ways To Get Out Of A Slump

You list your New Year’s resolutions yet you do not do anything to change your old ways. You write a to-do list but you sit on the couch all day watching TV. Sound familiar? Everybody gets into a slump. Yes, even that colleague of yours who doesn’t seem to run out of energy. You’ve probably […]