5 Ways To Free Yourself From Food Addiction

Food Addiction Addiction to certain substances has long been recognized but now food addiction, including sugar addiction, is being seen as a serious problem too. It is thought that the reward centers of the brain are activated when we eat something we perceive as a reward or a comfort in the same way an addictive […]

8 Ways To Get Your Motivation Back

Avoiding procrastination If you are a procrastinator and find it hard to motivate yourself to start that project or get a piece of work done then these 8 top tips can help. 1. WHY? Look at what needs to be done and ask yourself why you are doing it? Think of all the positive reasons […]


Top 6 Tips To Fall Asleep

Sleep Well Regularly getting a good nights sleep makes a huge difference to so many aspects of our lives. Our health, energy, productivity, mood, sex drive – all will be greatly improved by good quality sleep. Stress can cause sleeplessness and lack of sleep can cause stress. It can feel like a vicious cycle! If […]

9 Top Tips To Motivate You To Lose Weight

Often when we decide to lose weight we do really well for a week or two but then motivation fades and we give up. We may even put any weight we did lose back on and sometimes an extra few pounds too. 🙁 So keeping up our motivation in the long term is the key […]